- Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 2 pm. Michelle Miller, a former Senior Clinical Lecturer in the IUB Department of Kinesiology / School of Public Health, will speak on "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Super-agers." In person at the Peterson Room of the IU Foundation and online. Follow the Zoom Registration Link for remote access.
- Annual Joint Art Exhibit at Emeriti House Submit your artistic efforts! See the Call for Art for more details. Deadline for submissions: 11:00 am, Monday, April 21. Opening reception: Friday, 25 April, 5:00-7:00 pm.
- The March 2025 newsletter is now available to read online. The next issue will appear in April. For older newsletters back to 2007, go to Previous Newsletters.
- On March 19, 2025. IURA had a private tour of the IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Photo Album by Beau Vallance.
- On February 12, 2025, John Lincoln Schilb, IURA VP and IU Professor Emeritus of English, spoke on the legacy of Abraham Lincoln with a focus on the Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural Address. Video Recording. Photo Album by Beau Vallance.
News of Past and Future events
- See the Events Page for more information about recent past meetings as well as plans for meetings in the coming academic year as they become known, and for links to photo albums and video recordings of many recent past events.
IU Email Reminders
- The One Mail Project is a two-year effort to unify all Indiana University email addresses under the email domain. All email addresses must be converted to by the end of 2025. Now is the time to prepare!
- Check your Junk or Spam Email Folder often. IU has a pretty stringent spam filter. It pays to keep an eye on your Junk Folder just in case.
Benefits: News from HR
- HR presentation on Retiree Updates Fall 2022
- Healthy IU: Specific Information for Retirees
- Summary Indiana University Retiree Benefit Options (System Wide)
- In cooperation with the IURA, HR has prepared a document summarizing Retiree Perks (Bloomington Specific)
- Retirees may address specific questions about benefits to or call 812-856-4459.
- Social Security Scam Awareness
- President: Perry Maull
- Vice President: John Schilb
- Secretary: Beau Vallance
- Treasurer Beckie Owens
- Program: John Schilb
- Hospitality: Perry Maull
- United Way: Charlie Matson
- Newswatch Editor Judy Schroeder
- Database Manager: Doris Wittenburg
- Webmaster: Allan Edmonds
- Retiree Benefits: Audrey Morgan
- Historian: Anna Radue